“And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief.” Mark 9:24
Dear Reader,
Here is a story about a man with a demon possessed child. He brings the child to Jesus’ disciples, and they cannot cast out the evil spirit. They had removed demons previously, so their lack of power is puzzling to them. But this appears to be a severe case.
The boy could not talk and he foamed at the mouth. Sometimes the spirit threw the boy into the fire, and sometimes into the water; to destroy him. Apparently, the boy’s life was quite dangerous, fragile, and miserable. His father was in complete exhaustion and agony.
Then Jesus appears on the bleak scene and tells the father that all things are possible, if he can believe.
This leads us to the father’s response in this scripture: “And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief.”
A Common Theme
To complete the story, Jesus heals the boy. The impossible was made possible. Father and son were whole again.
But let us examine a common attribute among those who prevail with Christ:
Think of the blind beggars yelling for Jesus as He passed by. It was their one chance and they had no regard for what others thought! Think of the woman with an issue of blood. She had nothing left when she reached out to touch Him! Think of the Canaanite woman. She would not let Jesus go until He healed her daughter!
These people did not haphazardly ask for something. They were not double minded. They were seriously invested, undoubtedly determined, and completely desperate.
There was no other option. Get this blessing from Christ. Period. There is no plan B. Jesus is the only hope!
Think of Rachel saying to Jacob, “Give me children or I die!”
This is the attitude that prevails. This is that disposition that unlocks the storehouses of heavenly blessing.
Apply It
All these stories are examples for us to learn the type of prayer God answers. Leonard Ravenhill used to say, “God doesn’t answer prayer. God answers desperate prayer.”
You do not just toss God your laundry list of things you want. That is not prayer. When you have a burden, it is like fire in your bones. Like Jacob, to prevail with God, you must hold onto Him and not let go.
So dear reader, are you desperate? Do you want to know God a little bit? Because if so, you will not find Him. Do you want to know God a lot? That isn’t enough. You have to be desperate!
God says if you seek Him with all of your heart you will find Him. He leaves no room for double mindedness. If you go after God with 99% of all that you are, you will not find Him. Period.
Are you desperate? Are you willing to stay up late and wake up early to know Him? Are you willing to give up worldly entertainments to seek His heart through the scriptures? Does your heart burn to be in His presence? Be desperate!