“He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.” Matthew 11:15
Dear Reader,
Two thousand years ago, God took on flesh, came to this Earth, and taught man his doctrine. He came to His own creation; and on the whole, He was despised and rejected of His creatures. Most of the hearers of His teachings did not hear Him. They certainly heard His words, but the truth of His words did not grip them.
They did not become His disciples.
Allow me to put Jesus’ earthly ministry into perspective. He preached to the nation of Israel, sometimes to crowds of thousands. In the course of His ministering, He was extremely well known to the entire nation. He ministered to the rich and poor, the rulers and the peasants, the well and the dying, the educated and the uneducated.
His miracles were talked about from town to town. The dead were raised to life, the lame walked, the eyes of the blind were opened. Everyone in Israel knew about the man Jesus.
Therefore the assumption would be that a man so kind, so tenderhearted, so loving, would be loved by all.
Yet was it not so.
The Lonely Christ
Despite all the thousands of hearers of His ministry, Jesus was a very lonely soul. Many hated Him and didn’t believe His words. Further, many believed His words, yet found them too difficult. These disciples turned back from following Him.
At the conclusion of His earthly ministry, all that remained was a handful of disciples.
As it was two thousand years ago, so it is today. Sadly, many don’t believe His words. They reject Him. Regrettably, many believe His words, but find walking His narrow road too difficult. They abandon Him. Thankfully, a few know His voice, and follow. They glorify Him.
So, dear reader, examine yourself. Do you hear His voice? What is your life’s response to the King of Kings? Do you have ears to hear?