“But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 19:14
Dear Reader,
Listen to the words of the tenderhearted Jesus.
At this time in the scriptures, there were parents with their young children, asking Jesus to bless them. Undoubtedly, they wanted Him to pray for them. They acknowledged Jesus as the Son of God and needed His blessing on their children too!
But His disciples said to send them away. They supposed Jesus had more important business on His schedule. However, they were quickly and sharply rebuked by the Master.
Bring the children to Him. Immediately.
Learn a Lesson
Why are children so highly regarded by Christ in His teachings? He even said that if a person does not accept the kingdom of Heaven as a little child, that person cannot accept it at all.
Think how wonderful a child is. Do they hesitate to believe? No. They wholeheartedly believe every word you tell them. A little child is programmed by God to accept and imitate every word they hear. Only as a child grows, do they begin to see that some things are true and others are not.
Children are the very definition of humility. They come into this world and they know nothing. They begin life with no knowledge, no wisdom, and no independency. To survive, they depend on someone else. They know their place.
Are You a Child?
Is this how you accepted Christ’s kingdom? Did you accept your place as someone who must be taught by God? Or have you always been the teacher of religious things? Examine yourself. When you first believed that Christ was Lord, did you come to Him with childlike humility?
Do you hesitate to believe the scriptures like Nicodemus? Or, like the Pharisees, do you need some proof from God that all of the Bible is true? Or worse, have you read the Bible as a skeptic? If so, repent from all of this immediately, and become like a child!
Dearest reader, wholeheartedly fling your life at the feet of Christ, and hang onto His every word!