“But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 19:14
Dear Reader,
Listen to the words of the tenderhearted Jesus.
At this time in the scriptures, there were parents with their young children, asking Jesus to bless them. Undoubtedly, they wanted Him to pray for them. They acknowledged Jesus as the Son of God and needed His blessing on their children too!
But His disciples said to send them away. They supposed Jesus had more important business on His schedule. However, they were quickly and sharply rebuked by the Master.
Bring the children to Him. Immediately.
Learn a Lesson
Why are children so highly regarded by Christ in His teachings? He even said that if a person does not accept the kingdom of Heaven as a little child, that person cannot accept it at all.
Think how wonderful a child is. Do they hesitate to believe? No. They wholeheartedly believe every word you tell them. A little child is programmed by God to accept and imitate every word they hear. Only as a child grows, do they begin to see that some things are true and others are not.
Children are the very definition of humility. They come into this world and they know nothing. They begin life with no knowledge, no wisdom, and no independency. To survive, they depend on someone else. They know their place.
Are You a Child?
Is this how you accepted Christ’s kingdom? Did you accept your place as someone who must be taught by God? Or have you always been the teacher of religious things? Examine yourself. When you first believed that Christ was Lord, did you come to Him with childlike humility?
Do you hesitate to believe the scriptures like Nicodemus? Or, like the Pharisees, do you need some proof from God that all of the Bible is true? Or worse, have you read the Bible as a skeptic? If so, repent from all of this immediately, and become like a child!
Dearest reader, wholeheartedly fling your life at the feet of Christ, and hang onto His every word!
“And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: it is better for thee to enter into life with one eye, rather than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire.” Matthew 18:9
Dear Reader,
Here, we read some of the more difficult words of Christ. This preaching was not the kind that makes you feel comfortable. It was the kind that cuts men straight to the heart! Let us hear Him today as we examine what He meant.
First, let us say what He did not mean. He was not advocating self-mutilation. His words are not to be taken literally. Do not cut off your hand or foot. Do not pluck out your eye.
He only used those serious examples to show the seriousness of his doctrine. In essence, He was saying that if you continue in your sins, you will go to everlasting misery in hell. If you do not destroy self, your self will, in the end, be destroyed.
Jesus did not come to this Earth and suffer and die only to encourage us to do good. He did not come to this Earth to gain a following. He came, suffered, and died, to make dead men alive. He came to raise men and women from the dead. The Bible teaches that all were once dead in sin. A slave to it! Spiritually dead.
Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil in your life. He came to rescue you from sin. And if the Son shall set you free, ye shall be free indeed. Read Romans 6 or 1 John 3 with an open heart if you want to know if a Christian commits sin. Hear with your ears and let God tell you.
Therefore, dear reader, what was Christ saying here? He was saying to take the most extreme measures necessary to avoid sin. If a worldly attachment, a relationship, a business opportunity, or any action of any kind cannot be pursued without engaging in sin…RUN FROM IT AS FAST AS YOU CAN. Think about Joseph in Potiphar’s house. He ran, as fast as he could.
What It Looks Like
Let me give you an example. A married man works in an office building. An immodest business woman shows interest in him by giving him a piece of paper with her contact information on it. What is Christ’s advice applied to this situation? Married man, immediately drop it into the trash. Do not keep it for awhile thinking that she might just need a friend. Do not think you will show Christ to her by calling her and having coffee and talking about your wife and inviting her to church. RUN. AS FAST AS YOU CAN. RUN.
Another example. A young woman becomes a Christian at the age of 24. She, for the first time, experiences the joy of salvation and drinks daily of the living water that Christ provides. However, soon after believing on Jesus, she is ashamed of many things she and her friends once did.
Her friends keep calling her to go shopping and to the movies, but she does not answer. She knows that in the past she bought things that she did not need, and watched movies that in which God does not approve. She knows her friends still do those same old things.
What should she do? Should she go with her friends and tell them about God while at the movie? Should she go shopping with them and just determine beforehand not to buy anything? No. She should testify to her friends of the change in her. She should encourage them to run from sin and worldliness too! But she should not partake in those old ways. She should RUN.
As A Dog Returns
The devil has a way of tempting people with the same things over and again. A thief is tempted to steal. An adulterer looks for more women. Examine yourself and figure out what Satan tempts you to do. If you have a guilty conscience of something, start there.
You know how Satan tempts you. Do not play the fool and think you are stronger than he is. You are not. Your sinful tendencies are like modeling clay in the hands of Satan. He knows just how to melt you into sinning. And he will.
Therefore, heed Christ’s warning! If anything or anyone causes you to fall into sin…RUN for your life! Literally, your eternal life.
“Then answered Peter, and said unto Jesus, Lord, it is good for us to be here: if thou wilt, let us make here three tabernacles; one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias.” Matthew 17:4
Dear Reader,
Peter said this on the Mount of Transfiguration. Jesus had taken Peter, James, and John up on the mountaintop. When they got there, Jesus was transfigured before them and his face shone like the sun, with clothes as white as light. They saw Christ in His heavenly form. It was an overwhelming glimpse into Heaven!
As Jesus talked with Moses and Elijah, the three disciples were in ecstasy. Time stood still. We learn from Mark’s gospel that they were very afraid. They were also excited, amazed, grateful, rejoiced, and worshipful. There was such a rush of emotions that Peter could hardly contain himself. He had to speak!
In the scripture, Peter expressed his gratitude to Jesus for bringing them by saying, “it is good for us to be here.” He then asked to be of service. He asked to make them three tents. This was probably to protect from the bright sunlight or impending rain. Peter’s question stemmed from the fact that he did not want this moment to end.
If you continue reading the scriptures, you see that Christ did not need three tents. Clearly, Peter had no idea what was needed or how to help. He also had no idea what was coming next. Despite being in the marvelous light, he was completely in the dark as to what was actually happening.
But what a blessed man! What blessed thoughts! We would do well to imitate Peter.
Follow the Leader
Let us look at Peter, only through the lens of these scriptures, and find out why he was chosen by Christ to see this heavenly vision.
Peter was grateful – The first words out of his mouth to Jesus were words of gratitude. How often are the first words that we say to God, “thank you?” Do we only go to Him when we need something? Or are we always thanking Him for all He has given? Examine yourself.
Peter was humble – He fell on his face on the mountaintop. He knew he did not deserve to see such glory. And God honored Peter for that. Do you expect to see God’s blessing? Or does God’s blessing make you fall on your face knowing your unworthiness?
Peter was childlike – He was mistaken in what needed to be done. But in great zeal he wanted to do something to help! Think of the child that goes behind his mowing Daddy with a bubble lawn mower. He does not really help, but what joy it brings to the Father! Reader, are you childlike with God? Do you tell God what to do in your life? Do you know your needs better than Him? Or, like Peter, do you eagerly ask to serve Him and accept correction when it comes?
Peter was submitted – Notice how he began his question, “if thou wilt.” Peter was under Christ’s complete authority. A soldier in the army would never think that his commanding officer would obey his commands. It is the other way around. Peter knew his place, gladly accepted it, and operated within its limits.
Dear reader, do you want to be in such close relationship with Christ? God is no respecter of persons. He is not looking for the strongest. He is not looking for the most talented. He is not looking for the most successful. But He is looking for the qualities we examined above.
To know Christ intimately, we only need to become like Peter. Imitate his childlike humility, always giving thanks, while submitting your life to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Such a person He will not deny!
“He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am?” Matthew 16:15
Dear Reader,
Jesus ask His followers this question. They watched Him teach thousands. They saw Him heal the sick and raise the dead to life. They heard all of the criticisms from the unbelieving. They saw His response to those who opposed Him. They saw it all. And Jesus asked them where they stand.
Jesus’ question is one that He asks to every soul. You see, our Bible is open and free. Though we do not see Him preach on the mountaintops today, He is preaching daily in His holy Word. Therefore, you could ascertain that we have an even greater blessing. The fullness of His life and doctrine contained in just a few pages!
So the question is, dear reader, who do you say that He is?
Before you answer, consider your ways. I can say with my mouth, “I am a plumber.” But the truth is, I am not. My mouth may confess it, but in truth I am not a plumber.
Now, I may fix a few leaky pipes around the house. And that may cause my heart to believe that I am a plumber! But I am not a plumber. It is not my passion and profession. Therefore, I am not a plumber.
For example, you may say, “I believe that Jesus is the creator of the world.” But do you adhere to that statement in truth? Do you accept modern scientific theories that deny the existence of God? Or worse, do you teach little children those same devilish doctrines? If so, then you may proclaim with your mouth that Jesus created the world. But in truth, you practice and proclaim that some of what we see happened by random biological chance.
So, as you begin to think on Christ’s question, consider your ways in soberness and truth. Do not jump to conclusions even though you know the right answer. Place yourself on trial and be an austere judge. The heart, especially our own, is difficult to know deeply.
Who is Jesus
He is the First and the Last – Christ made the world as we see it. He uniquely created giraffes and ants, mountains and hail, lightning and sand. He was in the beginning, but will also be the One standing at the end of time. Is this Jesus to you?
He is able to save to the uttermost – There is no sinner that cannot become a saint. There is no man that Christ has not called to holiness. Do you believe this?
He is captain of man’s salvation – He is the only means by which one is saved. No level of Bible reading, prayer, asceticism, religious company, or even preaching can establish the holiness required to be in Heaven one day. It is His life that saves a soul. The only thing a man contributes to salvation is the sin that made it necessary (Jonathan Edwards).
He is the advocate with the Father – He is always praying to God and asking for the souls of men. Right now. Christ is the One who gives weight to our prayers. Without an advocate, a Christian would have no voice. Do you believe this about Him?
He is Almighty – There is nothing that He cannot do. He who made the world can change the world. He is only limited by our own faith. Nothing else. Reader, is this Christ to you?
He is the Bread of Life – Can you go days without your necessary food? Not many. Can you go days without feasting on the Word of God? Not many. Just as your physical life can die of starvation, your spiritual life can all the more. Do you believe that Jesus is of such necessary benefit to our soul daily?
He the brightness of God’s glory – His life and teaching on earth was the glory of God manifested to us. There has never been anyone more pure, lovely, and truthful than Jesus Christ. His life laid bare the very heart of God. Do you believe this?
He is the first begotten of the dead – He died, but yet liveth. He conquered the power of death. This shows all who believe on His name that He alone has the power to raise the dead. His conquering is a Christian’s confidence that He will not leave them in the grave when they die. Do you believe this?
He is the lamb of God – He came to earth meek and lowly. He didn’t have to. He took this name upon Himself to win the world and obey His Father. He willingly gave Himself to the slaughter. He gave His life for sinful man.
He is the bridegroom – He is likened to a man who is marrying a woman. His church is His bride. It is His joy and responsibility. Are you a part of His bride that honors Him? Do not be partakers of spiritual adultery against Christ as the bridegroom. An unfaithful church is an abomination to God and also to the world. He is a jealous husband, as He should be.
He is the great physician – He can heal the physical body, the emotional body, and the spiritual soul. He came to destroy the works of the devil. Reader, do you believe this or did the devils tell you that was back in biblical times?
He is the Holy One – He did not commit sin. He walked in perfect obedience to God. He was tempted in every way as we are, yet was without sin. Is this Jesus to you?
He is the man of sorrows – He was not, and is not, happy. He lived a lonely life on earth. It was full of criticisms and unbelief in Him and His Father. Even today He is grieved all day long. Look at the world and see the depravity. Do you think Christ is indifferent to babies being murdered, fornications and adulteries, and families being broken. No, He is deeply sorrowful. Dear reader, are you? Is your heart following in the footsteps of the sorrowful Jesus?
He is the good shepherd – He commands His flock. He protects His flock. He feeds His flock. He is gentle with His flock. Do you know Him as the Great Shepherd of your soul? Does He guide your entire life and bring you near the still waters for restoration after the journey?
He is the rock of offense – His life and ministry offends more people than anyone who has ever lived. This is because His light exposes men’s dark deeds. It is not because He is rude, arrogant, high-minded, or critical. Men hate purity when it exposes and embarrasses their filth. Likewise, a Christian is the most lovely person one could meet. But most will find offense by their life and purity. Dear reader, is Christ offensive to you? What about his true followers?
He is the King of Kings – He came meek and lowly, but He is no peasant. He is a King. Not just a King, He is The King. All others are as grasshoppers under His feet. Every man, woman, and child will bow down before His throne one fateful day. Most that didn’t acknowledge His reign will be terrified. Few that did submit to His lordship will be in adoration.
So, dear reader, Christ is awaiting your response every moment. “Whom say ye that I am?
“And, behold, a woman of Canaan came out of the same coasts, and cried unto him, saying, Have mercy on me, O Lord, thou son of David; my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil. But he answered her not a word. And his disciples came and besought him, saying, Send her away; for she crieth after us. But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel. Then came she and worshipped him, saying, Lord, help me. But he answered and said, It is not meet to take the children’s bread, and to cast it to dogs. And she said, Truth, Lord: yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters’ table. Then Jesus answered and said unto her, O woman, great is thy faith: be it unto thee even as thou wilt. And her daughter was made whole from that very hour.” Matthew 15:22-28
Dear Reader,
If Jesus gave a commendation to someone on this Earth, we would do well to imitate that person. Come, let us see the importunity of the Canaanite woman!
First, we learn that she was a woman of Canaan. This was a problem. She was not a part of the “people of God” according to Jewish belief. They likened the Gentiles to dogs.
Allow me to put that into perspective. For most of history, dogs have been looked upon as vile, filthy, disease ridden creatures. A far cry from modern America’s version of man’s best friend. Needless to say, the Jews did not think highly of the Gentiles.
Let us begin examining the scriptures in light of that.
“and cried unto him, saying, Have mercy on me, O Lord, thou son of David” – We quickly see that this was no ordinary Gentile woman. First, she was desperate. She cried for mercy! Second, she acknowledged Jesus was the Son of God. She expressed her faith more honorably than most Jews of the day! She called Him “Lord”, placing herself under His absolute authority. There was no doubting in her.
Also, note her desperation. And note her humility.
“my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil” – we see that this was no small problem. The soul of her precious daughter was horrendously tormented. Imagine the pain of the woman!
We might immediately assume that the compassionate Christ would immediately heal this desperate, faithful, and believing woman’s daughter.
“But he answered her not a word.”
Can you imagine that? Can you imagine how she felt? Falling at his feet, in utter desperation, and He said nothing in response. How broken her heart must have been! It would have been almost less painful and understandable if Jesus said “no.” But He said nothing!
Note that this is where most Christians give up. They have this burden of pain in their heart. They need divine help. They cry out to God! But nothing happens. No words. No healing.
And they walk away and wonder privately if God cares.
Reader, this may have been you. This may have been your story years ago. You may have given up on faith in Christ.
But note that Canaanite woman! Examine her faith and imitate it!
She Keeps Going
Back to the story. Jesus’ disciples say to send her away. He responds to them by saying “I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” Were these words only said to His disciples? No. They were said in wonderful wisdom to place the faith of this woman on display for all the world to see for the ages.
His words were absolutely true. His ministry instructions from God were to go to the Jews. The Apostle Paul received instructions to go to the Gentiles. But let’s read on.
“Then came she and worshipped him, saying, Lord, help me.” – Do you see that? He said I’m only sent to Israel, then she comes and falls at His feet in worship. She begs Him for help again! Note this woman!
Most people would have walked away at Christ’s silence. Then a remainder of people would have walked away at Christ’s answer. But look at this woman! She worshipped! In the darkest night, in the most silent hour, in the midst of her desperation, she held onto to Christ! She would not let Him go! Like Jacob when He became Israel, she set her mind to take hold of the God of love and never give up!
Now, surely Jesus would heal this woman’s daughter. Who has faith like her? Surely this was enough to prove her faith. But Jesus said, “It is not meet to take the children’s bread, and to cast it to dogs.“
Can you imagine! For the third time she was desperately disappointed! Who would have held on for this long? Surely, she would walk away depressed. Or, if there was some pride lurking in her heart, she would have been offended. But this woman was special.
She kept her composure, and held onto Christ once more. She said, “Truth, Lord: yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters’ table.” See her humility! She acknowledged and accepted that she was not a part of the heritage of Israel. She called herself a dog.
Jesus then said, O woman, great is thy faith: be it unto thee even as thou wilt. And her daughter was made whole from that very hour.” See that commendation! See that answer to prayer!
Notice Christ’s methods. He has not changed. First, He said nothing. Then, it seemed like “no.” Then it really seemed like “no.” Then He answered yes! Please note that this was a test of faith, done in perfect love. This was not a sadistic form of delaying an inevitable answer.
We all have a choice in prayer. Do we give up or hold on? This woman was desperate. This woman was humble. This woman was importunate. God will not deny such a prayer. In fact, He commands it.
Dearest reader, when should you give up in prayer? Let the life of that Canaanite princess of prayer be your answer!