Self Destruction

“And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: it is better for thee to enter into life with one eye, rather than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire.” Matthew 18:9

Dear Reader,

Here, we read some of the more difficult words of Christ. This preaching was not the kind that makes you feel comfortable. It was the kind that cuts men straight to the heart! Let us hear Him today as we examine what He meant.

First, let us say what He did not mean. He was not advocating self-mutilation. His words are not to be taken literally. Do not cut off your hand or foot. Do not pluck out your eye.

He only used those serious examples to show the seriousness of his doctrine. In essence, He was saying that if you continue in your sins, you will go to everlasting misery in hell. If you do not destroy self, your self will, in the end, be destroyed.

Jesus did not come to this Earth and suffer and die only to encourage us to do good. He did not come to this Earth to gain a following. He came, suffered, and died, to make dead men alive. He came to raise men and women from the dead. The Bible teaches that all were once dead in sin. A slave to it! Spiritually dead.

Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil in your life. He came to rescue you from sin. And if the Son shall set you free, ye shall be free indeed. Read Romans 6 or 1 John 3 with an open heart if you want to know if a Christian commits sin. Hear with your ears and let God tell you.

Therefore, dear reader, what was Christ saying here? He was saying to take the most extreme measures necessary to avoid sin. If a worldly attachment, a relationship, a business opportunity, or any action of any kind cannot be pursued without engaging in sin…RUN FROM IT AS FAST AS YOU CAN. Think about Joseph in Potiphar’s house. He ran, as fast as he could.

What It Looks Like

Let me give you an example. A married man works in an office building. An immodest business woman shows interest in him by giving him a piece of paper with her contact information on it. What is Christ’s advice applied to this situation? Married man, immediately drop it into the trash. Do not keep it for awhile thinking that she might just need a friend. Do not think you will show Christ to her by calling her and having coffee and talking about your wife and inviting her to church. RUN. AS FAST AS YOU CAN. RUN.

Another example. A young woman becomes a Christian at the age of 24. She, for the first time, experiences the joy of salvation and drinks daily of the living water that Christ provides. However, soon after believing on Jesus, she is ashamed of many things she and her friends once did.

Her friends keep calling her to go shopping and to the movies, but she does not answer. She knows that in the past she bought things that she did not need, and watched movies that in which God does not approve. She knows her friends still do those same old things.

What should she do? Should she go with her friends and tell them about God while at the movie? Should she go shopping with them and just determine beforehand not to buy anything? No. She should testify to her friends of the change in her. She should encourage them to run from sin and worldliness too! But she should not partake in those old ways. She should RUN.

As A Dog Returns

The devil has a way of tempting people with the same things over and again. A thief is tempted to steal. An adulterer looks for more women. Examine yourself and figure out what Satan tempts you to do. If you have a guilty conscience of something, start there.

You know how Satan tempts you. Do not play the fool and think you are stronger than he is. You are not. Your sinful tendencies are like modeling clay in the hands of Satan. He knows just how to melt you into sinning. And he will.

Therefore, heed Christ’s warning! If anything or anyone causes you to fall into sin…RUN for your life! Literally, your eternal life.