What God Looks For

“Then answered Peter, and said unto Jesus, Lord, it is good for us to be here: if thou wilt, let us make here three tabernacles; one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias.” Matthew 17:4

Dear Reader,

Peter said this on the Mount of Transfiguration. Jesus had taken Peter, James, and John up on the mountaintop. When they got there, Jesus was transfigured before them and his face shone like the sun, with clothes as white as light. They saw Christ in His heavenly form. It was an overwhelming glimpse into Heaven!

As Jesus talked with Moses and Elijah, the three disciples were in ecstasy. Time stood still. We learn from Mark’s gospel that they were very afraid. They were also excited, amazed, grateful, rejoiced, and worshipful. There was such a rush of emotions that Peter could hardly contain himself. He had to speak!

In the scripture, Peter expressed his gratitude to Jesus for bringing them by saying, “it is good for us to be here.” He then asked to be of service. He asked to make them three tents. This was probably to protect from the bright sunlight or impending rain. Peter’s question stemmed from the fact that he did not want this moment to end.

If you continue reading the scriptures, you see that Christ did not need three tents. Clearly, Peter had no idea what was needed or how to help. He also had no idea what was coming next. Despite being in the marvelous light, he was completely in the dark as to what was actually happening.

But what a blessed man! What blessed thoughts! We would do well to imitate Peter.

Follow the Leader

Let us look at Peter, only through the lens of these scriptures, and find out why he was chosen by Christ to see this heavenly vision.

Peter was grateful – The first words out of his mouth to Jesus were words of gratitude. How often are the first words that we say to God, “thank you?” Do we only go to Him when we need something? Or are we always thanking Him for all He has given? Examine yourself.

Peter was humble – He fell on his face on the mountaintop. He knew he did not deserve to see such glory. And God honored Peter for that. Do you expect to see God’s blessing? Or does God’s blessing make you fall on your face knowing your unworthiness?

Peter was childlike – He was mistaken in what needed to be done. But in great zeal he wanted to do something to help! Think of the child that goes behind his mowing Daddy with a bubble lawn mower. He does not really help, but what joy it brings to the Father! Reader, are you childlike with God? Do you tell God what to do in your life? Do you know your needs better than Him? Or, like Peter, do you eagerly ask to serve Him and accept correction when it comes?

Peter was submitted – Notice how he began his question, “if thou wilt.” Peter was under Christ’s complete authority. A soldier in the army would never think that his commanding officer would obey his commands. It is the other way around. Peter knew his place, gladly accepted it, and operated within its limits.

Dear reader, do you want to be in such close relationship with Christ? God is no respecter of persons. He is not looking for the strongest. He is not looking for the most talented. He is not looking for the most successful. But He is looking for the qualities we examined above.

To know Christ intimately, we only need to become like Peter. Imitate his childlike humility, always giving thanks, while submitting your life to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Such a person He will not deny!